Friedrichs Funeral Home understands that you have many questions that you’ll find difficult to ask while coping with the loss of a Loved One.

We hope providing you with answers to some of the questions we are frequently asked will be of some help and of course, feel free to contact us with your specific questions.
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What purpose does a funeral serve?
It is the customary way to recognize death and its finality. Funerals are recognized rituals for the living to show respect for the dead and to help survivors begin the grief process.
Why have a public viewing?
Viewing is part of many cultural and ethnic traditions. Many grief specialists believe that viewing aids the grief process by helping the bereaved recognize the reality of death. Viewing is encouraged for children, as long as the process is explained and the activity voluntary.
What services do Friedrichs Funeral Home funeral directors perform?
Friedrichs Funeral Home funeral directors are caregivers and administrators. We make the arrangements for transportation of the body, complete all necessary paperwork, and implement the choices made by the family regarding the funeral and final disposition of the body. Our funeral directors are listeners, advisors and supporters whom have experience assisting the bereaved in coping with death and trained to answer questions about grief, recognize when a person is having difficulty coping, and recommend sources of professional help.
If a loved one dies out of state, can Friedrichs Funeral Home still help?
Yes, we can assist you with out-of-state arrangements, either to transfer the remains to another state or from another state.